Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seven Words. Seven Wonders

So, I decided last night to get a bit techie. You know, to enter that place of HTML code and wizzardry that would make all things possible on my blog... if only.

Ah right. The if only... No 'what if' in my experimentation. I tried every What if... I could think of and still came up with, 'if only...'

If only I knew what I was doing.

If only it really was as simple as they tell me in my google search for "How to embed an MP3 file into my blog..."

If only isn't working.

Neither is, what if...

It's the thing about technology and me. I spend hours -- I do get fixated and determined -- to make it work. Sometimes. It happens. Sometimes. Like last night and this morning. Not.

Reality is, I did my best. My best is good enough. I'll have to ask a pro.

I like to learn things on my own. figure them out. Once, when our dish-washer broke down, my former husband said, we'll have to call a service man. it annoyed me that he would come and for $80.00 tell us whether or not he could fix it, then he'd go get the part if he could fix it and then, he'd come back and fix it -- over and above the first $80.00.

It was just the knob thingy that controlled the settings such as On and Off. had to be a less expensive way I decided. "I'm sure I can fix it," I said. And I did. I took the control panel apart, went off to the service depot, purchased the required piece with a little motor thingy, came home, installed it, re-assembled everything and Voila! A working dishwasher.

I like to believe I can fix things.

all kinds of things. It can be a blind-spot.

It is my blind spot when it comes to people.

I like to fix broken people. Broken hearts and smashed egos. And I can't. Fix other people. I'm not that powerful.

What I am is wise enough to know, I have the power to 'fix', read that 'heal' myself. And, I am courageous enough to know and understand what works for me -- and then be willing to share what I have learned and experienced for others to use and see and feel if it works for them.

I like to believe I can help. Make a difference.

It is part of my nature. Part of my belief system.

And so, last night, I downloaded an MP3 recording gadget, created a five minute recording of a guided meditation I created to inspire people to step into the world of wonder within them. I uploaded it to an audio recording site so I would have a URL for my MP3 file. Embedded the file in the HTML for the recording. Should work.... if only....

The piece is called, Seven Words. Seven Wonders.

It steps you through a process to find your seven power words -- those seven words that speak to your soul, lift your spirits and awaken you to all that is magnificent, unique and special about you.

I had fun going through the process. I just can't get the audio file to embed in my blog and play. I can get the gadget to appear -- but there's no file attached. I'll keep working on it, but for now, I'll leave you with the written piece.

The Invitation: Read the following. Let the words sink in, then close your eyes and IMAGINE!

When your seven words appear, write them down. Cherish them. Nurture them. Throughout the day, savour them. They are your truth. Your beauty. Your magnificence.


Seven Words.
Seven Wonders.

Imagine, as only you can in the creative space of your imagination, that there are seven wise people in your world. They are your guides, mentors, sages. They are your Magnificent Seven. These magnificent seven know, see, understand, feel and appreciate the seven wonders of your world. They know everything about you and everything they know about you is founded on the absolute truth of the wonder they know in you. They have always known these truths.
From time before your birth they have seen and held safe your perfection,
your uniqueness, your beauty.

In the creative space of your imagination, see these individuals. Really, really see them. They are dressed in magnificent robes. Red. Blue. Purple. Gold. Green. All the colours of the rainbow, and more. Their robes are trimmed with ermine and silk. They rustle as they walk. They shimmer in the light.
You are in a grand hall. Marble floor. Arching buttresses that soar high above into the shadows. Beautiful stained glass windows. Gilded golden columns. It is a space fit for a King or Queen.
You are seated on a throne. A beautiful bejeweled, ornate throne that sits upon a dias slightly higher than the magnificent seven who stand before you.
You are confident, comfortable. At ease.

Slowly, the Magnificent Seven walk towards you. Each one smiles. Their eyes are warm. Their presence comforting, relaxing, soothing. Each of the Magnificent Seven is carrying a box.
A beautiful hand crafted box of gold and silver, bronze and wood, leather, jewels and glass.
One by one, each of the Magnificent Seven approaches where you sit upon the throne.
They kneel before you and one by one, open the lid of the box they carry.
Inside each box is a piece of wood. Carved into the wood, etched with golden paint, is a word. A word that speaks to you and only you.
It is your word of wonder.
Your word of truth.
Seven words. Seven wonders of your world.

Carefully, with great care you take out each wooden and read it out loud. As you read each word you feel warm. Peaceful. Calm. As you read each word, you know the joy of being bathed in the light of your truth. You feel the ecstasy of sinking into beauty, into love, into this moment where you are your perfection, the perfection of your birthright, the perfection of your being who you are always meant to be in this world.

You breathe in. Deeply. Slowly.

You exhale. Deeply. Slowly. And as you exhale, you say each word
and send it out into the world on a breath of love.

These words that you hold in your hand, these words that you speak, they are your truth.
Your beauty.

Your wonder.

Take a deep, deep breath.

What are you seven words?

Let the boxes open. Let the words be revealed.
Pick them up. Hold them.
Feel them. Feel the weight of them.
The rounded edges. The carved curves. The smoothness.
Their depth. Feel them.
Now speak them.
Let each word roll around inside your mouth.
Let each word roll off your tongue.
Release each word into the universe. For these words are your truth.
Always have been.
Always will be.

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